Tuesday 8 May 2012

Crazy About Crepe Myrtles

The crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp) is one of my favourite flowering trees. They are not Australian natives, but are quite hardy and will survive with little water once established. Different cultivars come in a range of sizes to suit most gardens. They flower spectacularly for months from summer through to early autumn, the autumn foliage display of many species is beautiful for weeks on end, and even in winter their bare branches (often festooned with sparkling spider webs) are usually aesthetically pleasing. As well, they produce berry-like seeds, which the rosellas around here like to eat during the colder months. The timber has been used to make furniture, but I won't be cutting mine down for that purpose. A common problem with older cultivars is powdery mildew, but mildew-resistant cultivars have been around for some time. I recommend a crepe myrtle to anyone wanting an attractive flowering tree.

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