Sunday 28 October 2012

It's The Vibes

This post is a quick follow-up to yesterday's. I wrote about talking to the flowers and speculated about how/if plants respond to speech/music/vibrations. Last night I watched David Attenborough's 'Kingdom Of Plants'. Wow! 

It seems there is a particular flower that emits its pollen in response to the pitch of the buzz of a particular bee. Hence, in the wild, it relies totally on that one bee species for its pollination. How amazing is that? As said bee is not present at Kew Gardens in London, where the show was filmed, David Attenborough then demonstrated the process using a tuning fork.

Yes, plants do respond to vibrations, so it is possible that they respond to the vibrations of the human voice as well.

I can't help wondering: How specific is this bee-pollinator relationship if the flower responds to a tuning fork? Perhaps there are other bees or insects that emit a sound of the required pitch. 

The bee and flower pictured are not those referred to in the program.

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