Saturday 2 February 2013

Sunday Morning Stroll

After what seems like months of angry south winds, as well as plenty of hot, hot days, this morning was mild with a gentle breeze, ideal for a walk into town. Encouraged by the (comparative) lack of wind, we took along our cameras and I'm sure we looked like tourists admiring the town.

It is interesting what you see when you take your time. We frequently walk around the town, but this morning strolled a slightly different route. The pictures give a glimpse.

There are many huge red gums around the town, not as many as there used to be since the council's overconcern for public safety has led to the removal of quite a few. The beautiful old red gum pictured here is a striking feature of the town. To the left are three lemon-scented gums planted to commemorate the town's 3 Victoria Cross recipients. I think that is a record number of VC's for one small town.

Astonishingly enough, in all the time we have lived here we had never previously stopped to read the plaque beside a venerable oak tree. It was planted in 1902 to commemorate the coronation of King Edward V11. I wonder how many others know of the tree's history.

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