Sunday 3 June 2012

Going Troppo In Noosa

You have to love Noosa. It had been many years since our last visit and we were impressed with how well the environment seems to be looked after, amidst all the commercialism. I know, there are probably locals who could set me straight about any number of problem areas, but, from an outsider's perspective, it looks wonderful.

I've always loved Hastings St because of the way the vegetation meanders along the street, spreads leafy shade to pedestrians, and makes business facades look green and welcoming. If anything, it looks better now than it used to. But it is not just this iconic shopping street that blends so well with the surrounding vegetation, just about any street you wander along is similar, with tropical gardens looking lush and well maintained and merging into the surrounding bush/national park areas. Tourist operations too seem to get into the spirit and most have gardens in their entries and surrounds. Why can't businesses everywhere see the value of this?

It is not just vegetation that is prolific. There were brush turkeys everywhere, including wandering along Hastings St and around outdoor dining areas. I don't remember them from previous visits. Blue-faced  honeyeaters, wattlebirds and lorikeets were common, as well as numerous smaller birds. 

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