Friday 1 June 2012

Going Troppo

The first thing you notice when you exit the plane at Sunshine Coast Airport, having left chilly Victoria a couple of hours ago, is that the air feels different; softer, gentle on the skin, and, of course, a little warmer. The next thing you notice, if you have any interest at all in plants, is the vegetation. There is so much of it, even in the airport carpark. The greens are deep greens, but vibrant foliage colour is everywhere. It is an excess, an exuberance of leaves, from understorey through to treetops.

Though there are familiar species in abundance, you are struck by the differences: the numerous palms, the pandanus, a banksia with large leaves and russet flowers, shrubs with multi-coloured leaves and numerous other tropical/subtropical species we don't see in Victoria, or see only as cosseted house plants.

It had been many years since we holidayed in Queensland and we found ourselves wondering why we had left it so long, and why this area we have never lived in, only holidayed for a few weeks a year some time ago, immediately feels as welcoming as home. Yes, we have gone troppo and agreed to return soon for another holiday.

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