Wednesday 6 June 2012

Try A Little Touchy Feely

Pattern and texture surround us in the natural world, but how often do we even notice them? Sometimes it takes a change of scenery to re-awaken our senses to the infinite variations that we usually take for granted. On our recent holiday, I often found myself stopping to stroke a tree trunk, run my fingers over a leaf, or admire the pattern of a fungus. Since being home, I am looking at my familiar environment with refreshed eyes, and fingers.

Stopping to touch a tree, flower, leaf or rock puts us back in contact with the real world and adds a new dimension of enjoyment to our lives. Try it. Stroke those camellia petals, soft as a baby's skin, see the pattern made by the way they overlap, the contrast of the stamens in the centre of the flower. Texture and pattern are everywhere, they're free and they are amazing. Enjoy.

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