Sunday 10 June 2012

Holiday at Home

Years ago, when we were developing our present garden, we chose to plant palm trees beside the deck to create a relaxed tropical holiday feel. For a while now we have been enjoying this holiday atmosphere every time we eat on the deck. Today we ate lunch in the glorious winter sunshine with blue-faced honeyeaters fossicking in the palm fronds overhead. The Sunshine Coast it definitely is not, but there are times when our little patch of garden in Euroa is a pretty fair facsimile.

Adding to the satisfaction, our lunchtime salad included young silverbeet leaves, celery, nasturtium leaves, parsley and baby beet leaves picked from the garden. We are between lettuce crops at the moment, so the supermarket mesclun mix was enlivened by these homegrown ingredients. Is it just me, or has the commercial mesclun mix become bland and boring? It seemed so tasty and adventurous when it was first available, now it is very ordinary. Thank goodness for homegrown goodies to add some zing.

What is your favourite holiday spot? It can be fun to tweak your garden planting and design to create a feeling of holidaying at home. Enjoy.

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